Pack 700's
Home Page
Pack Committee
Scout Alumni
New Parent
Bobcat Trail
Den 1 - Lion (K)
Den 2 - Tiger (1st)
Den 3 - Wolf (2nd)
Den 4 - Bear (3rd)
Den 5 - Webelos (4th
Den 6 - A.O.L. (5th)

Cub Scout Pack 700
(Summerville, South Carolina)
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Welcome to your Wolf den!

Welcome to the Wolf Den.  Pack 700 is excited to have you as a part of our group.  This rank is for youth who have completed first grade (or is 8 yrs old).  This year will give you many opportunities to experience and learn new things in technology, science, and the outdoors.

There may be times when you cannot attend a meeting due to conflicts with other activities.  This is not a problem.  If you want to ensure your child stays up to date, please email pack leadership to find out what your child missed.

Wolf Badge Requirements

  1. Complete each of the following Wolf required adventures with your den or family:
    1. Call of the Wild
    2. Council Fire
    3. Duty to God Footsteps
    4. Howling at the Moon
    5. Paws on the Path
    6. Running With the Pack
  2. Complete one Wolf elective adventure of your den or family's choosing from this list: Adventures in CoinsAir of the WolfCode of the WolfCollections and HobbiesCubs Who CareDigging in the PastFinding Your WayGerms Alive!Grow SomethingHometown HeroesMotor AwayPaws of SkillSpirit of the Water
  3. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide and earn the Cyber Chip award for your age.*

* If your family does not have Internet access at home AND you do not have ready Internet access at school or another public place or via a mobile device, the Cyber Chip portion of this requirement may be waived by your parent or guardian.

Cub Scout World Conservation Award

This award is available to Wolves, Bears, and Webelos. The purpose of the award is to help Cub Scouts think about how we are all interdependent on our environment. The requirements are differnent depending which year the Cub Scout is in.  Our den will be working on this badge throughout the wolf trail and finishing it after the boys receive their wolf badge.  Every boy will have the opportunity to participate in at least one conservation project.  The first project is Beach Sweep this September.  Other opportunities will take place later in Spring of 2014.

Cub Scout World Conservation Award Requirements

As a Wolf Cub Scout

  • Complete the specified required adventure and the choose from a list of electives
  • Participate in a den or pack conservation project